Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Lead and Influence Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Examine about the Lead and Influence. Answer: Account Initiative is the capacity of a person to guide and impact a gathering of individuals to coordinate their work towards accomplishing a shared objective (Cummings Worley 2014). I worked in Kantar Media, as a Team Leader from April 2014 to October 2016, which expected me to take certain choices to guarantee smooth progression of exercises in the association. Kantar Media is the Data Investment Management division of WPP, one of the universes generally looked for after, data, understanding and consultancy gatherings. A group comprises of individuals, with various foundations and societies having various degrees of comprehension. In like manner, the guidelines should be explicit, so that there is no misconception with respect to the colleagues. Kantar Media invests heavily in conveying great information and administrations to assist customers with concentrating on defining procedures in a proficient and successful way (Kaufer Carley, 2012). Any deviation from the plans defined will without a doubt lead to issues and improve the odds of the quality getting traded off. I needed to deal with a group of 75 individuals, having mastery in various spaces. An issue emerged when, while handling commercials, certain individuals had totally misjudged the necessities, bringing about various results. Clearly, where weighty sums are contributed by the end customers, botches end up being expensive (Lian Tui, 2012). I had educated the customer about the issues which certain colleagues had in understanding the nec essity, in spite of giving them appropriate preparing. I guaranteed the customer, there would not be reiteration of the bumbles submitted and ensure the nature of work is maintained. This awareness of other's expectations drew thankfulness from the customer and henceforth they guaranteed full help to the ones confronting issues, through instructional meetings, to comprehend their positions better (Nongo Ikyanyon, 2012). Likewise, I had a one-on-one meeting with every individual from the group and along these lines instructional meetings was organized through skype, to clear all the questions and increment their efficiencies. The issue was activated through the messages got from the customer, with respect to the mistakes submitted by a portion of my colleagues. I needed to accept a brief choice as the companys pride was in question and the circumstance requested me to take a gander at the bigger picture and not get worried about the relationship with the colleagues. In any emergency circumstance, taking a choice would doubtlessly introduce an issue to the hero. He expected to do the exercise in careful control of keeping up the picture of the organization before the customers and furthermore ensure, that the means started by him, don't prompt contrasts among him and his colleagues. For a portion of the partners, the circumstance had set off a negative response, where they appeared to ponder on bringing down their stakes in the organization yet from a more extensive point of view, the activities had assisted with maintaining the notoriety and picture of the association. Investigation The two initiative hypotheses thought about to dissect the heroes activities are: Fiedlers Contingency Theory The general principle proposes that pioneers don't follow any set example for driving and are bound to communicate their authority, when they feel that their colleagues would act as indicated by the directions conveyed. The style followed relies upon the interior and outer conditions looked by a pioneer. Authority by following possibility hypothesis will be successful just when the pioneers take the most extreme control of any circumstance (Northouse, 2015). For this situation, the group chief needed to make brief move according to the need of great importance to spare the picture of the association. Issues may emerge however the significant thing is to perceive how a pioneer responds to the issues. Conduct Theory Behavioral hypothesis thinks about that the capacities of the pioneer can be gained from various circumstances, than being inalienable in a person. This fits fine with the sort of activities taken by the pioneer, where he has gained the nature of being proactive and comprehend the requirements of specific circumstances. The valid statements about the authority conduct depicted, can be summed up by saying that the pioneer had command over the circumstance, which empowered a free progression of correspondence between the colleagues and the customer to overcome any issues of understanding the obligations and duties. This guaranteed the efficiencies of the workers arrived at another level (Samad, 2015). The terrible parts of the administration style is that, the choices taken by a group head, without talking with the task chief may appear to give an inclination, as though he is disregarding the situation of venture supervisor. In addition, talking with the colleagues isn't considered as a practical choice by the pioneer on the grounds that the circumstance requested brief activity without burning through much time yet the individuals may feel outraged for not being included for conversation before the group head had advanced towards the ideal activity (Schaubroeck et.al., 2012). The colleagues may contrast the possibility style of authority and the totalitarian administration style, decipher the pioneers activity adversely. The choice taken by the group chief in the situation talked about was a decent one. The explanation is, emergency circumstances need cautious investigation as well as alongside it, brief activity is an unquestionable requirement. Genuine embodiment of a pioneer turns out in the midst of misery (Tannenbaum, Weschler Massarik, 2013). The genuine test for a pioneer emerges when things don't go as indicated by the set plans and methods. In this circumstance, primary thought process behind the pioneers activity is to spare the picture of the association and furthermore furnish the customer with much required lucidity on the efficiencies of the representatives. The outer condition is the picture of the association, before the customer. Mix-ups submitted by the colleagues require a pioneer to observe and make the important changes in accordance with assume full responsibility for the circumstance. Inside condition alludes to the effect which choices of the pioneer, has on the colleagues and others identified with the venture. Acknowledgment of the issue and the proactive advances taken to redress them had brought the associations picture up before the partners. The activities caused them to accept that Kantar Media can rescue themselves of any sort of difficulty by looking after straightforwardness In this way, the reason for a pioneer isn't just to lead yet additionally impact the individuals liable for the smooth working of an association. A pioneer must be effective in his job, when he can anticipate and take fitting activities for keeping up the picture and notoriety of the organization, if there should be an occurrence of any pain. He needs to take a gander at the bigger picture and act as needs be, without getting worried about, how his colleagues would respond or whether his relationship with the colleagues would be influenced. References Cummings, T. G., Worley, C. G. (2014).Organization turn of events and change. Cengage learning. Kaufer, D. S., Carley, K. M. (2012).Communication a ways off: The impact of print on sociocultural association and change. Routledge. Lian, L. K., Tui, L. G. (2012). Initiative styles and hierarchical citizenship conduct: The intervening impact of subordinates' ability and descending impact tactics.The Journal of Applied Business and Economics,13(2), 59. Nongo, E. S., Ikyanyon, D. N. (2012). The impact of corporate culture on representative pledge to the organization.International Journal of Business and Management,7(22), 21. Northouse, P. G. (2015).Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage distributions. Samad, S. (2012). The impact of development and transformational authority on authoritative performance.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,57, 486-493. Schaubroeck, J. M., Hannah, S. T., Avolio, B. J., Kozlowski, S. W., Lord, R. G., Trevio, L. K., ... Peng, A. C. (2012). Inserting moral authority inside and across association levels.Academy ofManagement Journal,55(5), 1053-1078. Tannenbaum, R., Weschler, I., Massarik, F. (2013).Leadership and association. Routledge.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Global Warming and Human Actions Research Paper
A worldwide temperature alteration and Human Actions - Research Paper Example The sun discharges vitality to the climate in type of radiations and a few researchers contend that around 33% of the vitality discharged by the sun to the earth are reflected to the space after hitting the earth’s surface (Houghton, 1997). The rest of the bit of sunlight based vitality discharged to the earth is consumed by the seas and land. Thus, the outside of the earth gets warmed and turns out to be warm, discharging infrared proportions, which are considered as long-wave. The ozone harming substances in the environment tap some portion of the long-wave radiations, prompting the warming of the air. The gases that normally happen as ozone harming substances comprise of methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, water fume, and carbon dioxide. Together, these gases structure a characteristic nursery, which progressively warms the Earth (Maslin, 2006). Researchers have estimated and are progressively investigating on the commitment of the sun powered vitality output’s variety an d its conceivable reason in expanding the earth’s temperature (Harding, n.d). Notwithstanding, there is an expanded accord on the pretended by individuals in expanding the issue of an Earth-wide temperature boost. Logical analysts have finished up progressively that an Earth-wide temperature boost is in a general sense connected to the rising degree of ozone depleting substances in the air, for the most part methane, and carbon dioxide, because of non-renewable energy source ignition, cultivating, deforestation, and mechanical exercises by people. This paper fundamentally investigates whether a worldwide temperature alteration is because of human activities or not and if there is a chance of humankind taking activities to stop the impacts of an unnatural weather change or not. Is Global Warming Due Do Human Actions? An unnatural weather change Not Because of the Human Actions The inquiry whether the activities of individuals contribute towards a dangerous atmospheric devation has for quite some time been a discussion by the researchers with others invalidating the declaration while others recognize it as a reality. Fellow Callender, in 1938, set up that the patterns in an unnatural weather change added to the 10% ascent in the degree of climatic carbon dioxide because of burning of petroleum products. In any case, a few researchers discarded the recommended discoveries of Callender contending that a lot of carbon dioxide gas that people transmit are disintegrated securely in seas. Afterward, Roger Revelle, and Hans Suess scattered this way of thinking by finding that there was a perplexing substance buffering framework forestalling the ocean water from retaining enormous volumes of climatic carbon dioxide. From that point forward, the capability of people adding to an Earth-wide temperature boost was raised (Harding, n.d). People ought not be accused for the ever-expanding levels of an Earth-wide temperature boost. The expansion in barometrical temperat ures might be credited to the more vivacious sun powered energy’s yield. An area of researchers investigating on the reasons for a worldwide temperature alteration have proposed that the sun oriented movement have expanded quickly over the previous decades just as the measure of carbon dioxide from the volcanic discharges, and this may have possibly added to the expanded measure of ozone harming substances in the environment prompting an ascent in a dangerous atmospheric devation (Harding, n.d). As per the hypothesis on sun based variety, researchers affirm that the sun is persistently picking up quality and accordingly it is as the most grounded point when contrasted with the previous years. The expanded measure of radiation from the sun is consequently speculated as the contributing variable toward the expanding an unnatural weather change wonder. The measure of brilliant vitality that the sun discharges
Friday, July 31, 2020
Journaling Topics for Eating Disorders
Journaling Topics for Eating Disorders Eating Disorders Treatment Print Journaling Topics for Eating Disorders By Susan Cowden, MS facebook linkedin Susan Cowden is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a member of the Academy for Eating Disorders. Learn about our editorial policy Susan Cowden, MS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Rachel Goldman, PhD, FTOS on January 26, 2020 Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS is a licensed psychologist, clinical assistant professor, speaker, wellness expert specializing in weight management and eating behaviors. Learn about our Medical Review Board Rachel Goldman, PhD, FTOS Updated on February 18, 2020 istockphoto More in Eating Disorders Treatment Symptoms Diagnosis Awareness and Prevention Many people enjoy and find writing or journaling to be a therapeutic endeavor. It allows a person to organize thoughts and feelings and to express them in a safe way. It can also allow a person to think through decisions and/or changes that they want to make in their lives. As such, many therapists and mental health professionals recommend journaling to their clients. People with eating disorders are no different, and may also find journaling to be helpful.? Journaling is often simply an outpouring of whatever thoughts and feelings the person is experiencing that day. However, tackling specific topics such as those listed here can help address specific issues or break through a case of writer’s block. Topics for Writing About Your Recovery Write a ‘goodbye letter’ to your eating disorder. A ‘goodbye letter’ to an eating disorder is a popular assignment among many therapists and can be an important piece of recovery when the person writing it is truly committed to it. This type of letter might include things about your eating disorder that you have liked or enjoyed (such as a sense of control or temporary anxiety relief) as well as a listing of negative things about the eating disorder. It might also detail the goals of recovery and the person’s plan for achieving them (attending therapy, entering a residential program, etc). Make a pros and cons list about your eating disorder. The decision to enter treatment and to commit to recovery from an eating disorder can be a difficult and scary one. Sometimes sufferers aren’t even sure that they want to change at all. Making lists of the pros and cons of an eating disorder as well as the pros and cons of committing to recovery can help to sort that out. Ask yourself about the things that the eating disorder has given you and what it has taken away. Be honest about both lists. If it is difficult to think of things you can also add to the lists at a later date as well. Write about what your life would look like without an eating disorder. Another way to tackle fears about recovery is to think about how different your life would be without the eating disorder. How would meals be different? Would you have more self-confidence or be less depressed and/or anxious? How would relationships be different? Would you have more time for hobbies and other enjoyable activities? Would you feel better physically? Allow yourself to dream a little about an ED-free life. Write down your eating disorder thoughts vs. the truth. People struggling with eating disorders typically struggle with distorted or incorrect thoughts regarding their self-worth, weight, and food. One way to change these thoughts is to acknowledge them as being ‘eating disorder thoughts’ and to write them down alongside the truth. For example, an eating disorder thought might be that “If I gain weight, my self-worth goes down.†The truth is that our self-worth is not determined by our weight. This is a journal topic that might be ongoing until you are able to recognize distorted thoughts and correct them quickly and easily. Write about a slip or relapse and how it could go differently next time. Slips and relapses are part of a normal recovery from an eating disorder. It is important to learn from slips and relapses though and journaling can help you to do that. It is important not only to write about the slip itself but also about what happened beforehand and what you can do differently going forward. Ask yourself: What triggered the slip? Is there a different way you can respond to this trigger next time. If you are currently in therapy, your therapist can also likely give you topic ideas that are specific to your situation and experience. You may also want to talk to your therapist about journaling and any difficult thoughts or emotions that come up as part of the process as well. The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs
Friday, May 22, 2020
Government Involvement in the American Economy
As Christopher Conte and Albert R. Karr have noted in their book,Outline of the U.S. Economy, the level of government involvement in the American economy has been anything but static. From the 1800s to today, government programs and other interventions in the private sector have changed depending on the political and economic attitudes of the time. Gradually, the governments totally hands-off approach evolved into closer ties between the two entities. Laissez-Faire to Government Regulation In the early years of American history, most political leaders were reluctant to involve the federal government too heavily in the private sector, except in the area of transportation. In general, they accepted the concept of laissez-faire, a doctrine opposing government interference in the economy except to maintain law and order. This attitude started to change during the latter part of the 19th-century, when small business, farm and labor movements began asking the government to intercede on their behalf. By the turn of the century, a middle class had developed that was leery of both the business elite and the somewhat radical political movements of farmers and laborers in the Midwest and West. Known as Progressives, these people favored government regulation of business practices to ensure competition and free enterprise. They also fought corruption in the public sector. Progressive Years Congress enacted a law regulating railroads in 1887 (the Interstate Commerce Act), and one preventing large firms from controlling a single industry in 1890 (the Sherman Antitrust Act). These laws were not rigorously enforced, however, until the years between 1900 and 1920. These years were when Republican President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909), Democratic President Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) and others sympathetic to the views of the Progressives came to power. Many of todays U.S. regulatory agencies were created during these years, including the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Federal Trade Commission. New Deal and Its Lasting Impact Government involvement in the economy increased most significantly during the New Deal of the 1930s. The 1929 stock market crash had initiated the most serious economic dislocation in the nations history, the Great Depression (1929-1940). President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) launched the New Deal to alleviate the emergency. Many of the most important laws and institutions that define Americans modern economy can be traced to the New Deal era. New Deal legislation extended federal authority in banking, agriculture and public welfare. It established minimum standards for wages and hours on the job, and it served as a catalyst for the expansion of labor unions in such industries as steel, automobiles, and rubber. Programs and agencies that today seem indispensable to the operation of the countrys modern economy were created: the Securities and Exchange Commission, which regulates the stock market; the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which guarantees bank deposits; and, perhaps most notably, the Social Security system, which provides pensions to the elderly based on contributions they made when they were part of the workforce. During World War II New Deal leaders flirted with the idea of building closer ties between business and government, but some of these efforts did not survive past World War II. The National Industrial Recovery Act, a short-lived New Deal program, sought to encourage business leaders and workers, with government supervision, to resolve conflicts and thereby increase productivity and efficiency. While America never took the turn to fascism that similar business-labor-government arrangements did in Germany and Italy, the New Deal initiatives did point to a new sharing of power among these three key economic players. This confluence of power grew even more during the war, as the U.S. government intervened extensively in the economy. The War Production Board coordinated the nations productive capabilities so that military priorities would be met. Converted consumer-products plants filled many military orders. Automakers built tanks and aircraft, for example, making the United States the arsenal of democracy. In an effort to prevent rising national income and scarce consumer products from causing inflation, the newly created Office of Price Administration controlled rents on some dwellings, rationed consumer items ranging from sugar to gasoline and otherwise tried to restrain price increases.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Training and Development in Small Businesses Free Essay Example, 1250 words
When training programmes do not mirror the aspirations or requirements of small businesses, which most often is the case, many employers are reluctant to train their employees. There is the fear that employees may leave the organisation after undergoing training without any benefit whatsoever to the firm. Such aspects need to be addressed and the benefits accruing from the training should be spelt out at the outset. Trainer s PerceptionThe trainer should discuss the needs of the business concerned well in advance. He/She should also study the specific requirements of every employee undergoing the training. If diverse skills are required, the expertise of trainers with domain knowledge should be called for. No training can be successful if the initiator is not clear about the requirements of his/her target audience. Trainee s AwarenessIt is advisable to make the employee a stakeholder in the training process. It is the trainee who has deep insights of the activity performed and can p rovide accurate information on the type of training required by him/her. In such a case, he/she feels responsible for the training undergone as the onus of the success of the programme falls equally on him/her. OthersIn some cases, the situation may lapse back to the pre-training period. We will write a custom essay sample on Training and Development in Small Businesses or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Consumer Attitude Toward Green Marketing Free Essays
string(24) " has just kick started\." LITERATURE REVIEW Some literatures were reviewed in the course of this study. These include the previous researches which are as: 1. Sourabh Bhattacharya (2011) conducted research on â€Å"Consumer Attitude Towards Green Marketing In India†. We will write a custom essay sample on Consumer Attitude Toward Green Marketing or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to him, Marketing is the process which begins with identifying the needs of the consumer and further includes product development, delivering products to the consumer and providing after sales service. The conventional marketing process is not specifically concerned or bothered about environmental safety. The contemporary green marketing concept, on the other hand, analyzes, ecological compatibility of the product. It emphasizes on the formulation of marketing strategies in conformation with environmental safety or protection. Conventional marketing paid little attention to the pollution caused to the environment from the actual usage of the products, the raw materials used in manufacturing or from the packaging materials used. Conventional marketing concentrated on profit taking, while green marketing maintains the philosophy that doing business for a longer period is not possible without protecting the environmental. He concluded that the green marketers in India should carry out heavy promotional campaigns, because a majority of the Indian consumers are not sure about the quality of the green products. They are indecisive whether to pay premium for purchasing green products. They are highly suspicious regarding the real greenness of the eco-friendly products and tend to search for more information before buying. All these have a negative impact on the success of green marketing in India. Therefore, the green marketers must do heavy promotion, so that the target customers are convinced about the qualitative aspects of the green products. This is very important as the Indian consumers are in general price-sensitive and green products are costlier. If they are not convinced with the quality of the green products, they remain suspicious and will not be willing to pay premium. 2. Meenakshi Verma Anuj Verma (2011) conducted research on â€Å"Green Marketing-Strategy Scope Of Growth In Indian Market†, According to him, Green marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be environ mentally safe. Thus green marketing incorporates a broad range of activities, including product modification, changes to the production rocess, packaging changes, as well as modifying advertising. Green products balance environmental compatibility with performance, affordability, and convenience. They are typically durable, non-toxic, recyclable, and are often made from recycled materials. Green products have minimal packaging, and should carry low environmental impact. Green marketing not only focuses on advertisements and promotion of products with environmental characteristics, but it pervades all the activities of designing, production, packaging and promoting greener products. Green marketing thrives of the underlying philosophy ‘Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. It was concluded that as the demand for green products undoubtedly exist in growing economies, Green marketing provides an opportunity to the companies to increase their market-share by introducing eco-friendly products. Stricter environmental regulations across the world, growing consumer preference for eco-friendly companies, and the inherent cost advantages in lowering toxic waste are encouraging industries big and small to clean up. The research has revealed that awareness level among the consumers is pretty high and they are willing to adopt green products. However, the manufacturers need to improve the quality of the product and its after sales service. The consumers are concerned about the global warming and majority of them believe that green products shall help in reducing this cause however they are not overly committed to improving their environment and may be looking to lay too much responsibility on industry and government. Though it’s the responsibility of the firm to produce products, which are having minimum impact on the environment, but ultimately it’s the consumer who is having responsibility to use eco-friendly products. 3. Dr. Priyank Azad (2011) wrote an article â€Å"Green Marketing: The Innovative Mantra of Marketing†. This article discusses the notion of green marketing, its initiatives, challenges and probable strategies as conclusion. The mounting awareness about/on disturbed ecological balance and environmental consciousness has changed the behavioral patterns both in the individuals and business across the world. The apprehension towards global warming, harmful pollutants, non-biodegradable sold waste has sharply risen in the past decade. Now is the time of recyclable, non-toxic and environment-friendly green products that can help in preserving our nvironment and keeping it healthier. This has led the marketers to take a shift in practices and incorporates the concept of ‘Think Green’. The term ‘sustainability’ has become the keyword of this competitive era. As the resources are scarce and human wants are infinite, this broadening gap has augmented the interest amo ng the consumers all over the world regarding fortification of environment. This increasing awareness and environmental consciousness has transformed the behavioral blueprints both in individuals and businesses. Now there is an era of recyclable, non-toxic and environment responsive green goods. This led to green marketing which speaks of mounting market for sustainable and socially accountable products and services. It contains a wide range of tasks such as product adjustment, transforming the production process, changed advertising, modifications in packaging, etc. , that aims at reducing the harmful impact of products and their consumption and disposal on the environment. Despite this world awareness, there are numerous potential challenges and issues that are required to be surmounted. . Andrew Franklin Prince, Reuban Jacob and Jerrin M Philipose (2011) conducted a study on â€Å"Green Marketing: Recaliberation and Disposal of Exhausted Product Earns for Itself†. In this era of technologically-advanced educated world, products developed considering ecological aspects have more mileage than the regular products. Consumers’ awareness of proper disposal of exhausted products i s need of the hour. The products demanded by the customers could be recaliberated to be used further as homogeneous or differentiated products. Meanwhile, the products which cross the bar of recaliberation could be disposed by the manufacturer. However, product disposal, is yet to find a prominent ground in India. The culture of corporate organizations trying to bag the sensible customers by providing the right kind of product with a tag line of ‘eco-friendly’, has just kick started. You read "Consumer Attitude Toward Green Marketing" in category "Essay examples" At this juncture one may think, is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) a good initiative only in papers? It was concluded that the strategy could bring revelation in the market. It is high time that we emphasize on the concept that â€Å"marketing begins and ends with manufacturer†. This however would need the background support of customers as well as policy makers for the effective implementation of the strategy. The flow of demand is expected to develop the customers’ buying preference for particular manufacturers who are following this strategy. Brand building effort could also be practiced to the maximum. The era of green market could be enhanced to the utmost. The waste in the Mother Nature will be minimized in the coming era, which shall provide better products for the better customers. Thus, providing recaliberation and disposal will earn itself for the company. 5. Deeksha Dave Kartik Dave (2011) conducted a study on â€Å"Environmental Management Practices In The Hospitality Industry†. With their massive resource consumption and waste generation, big hotels quite literall function and pollute like a mini city. Hotels consume resources like energy, water, food, paper and pollute the environment in the form of smoke, noise and chemical pollutants. Keeping the above issues in view, the industry has come forward to save the environment and is playing a major role in environment protection by developing awareness and adopting environmental friendly practices. Since hotels occupy a central place in the tourism industry and its development does impact the environment considerably, it is believed that hotels should be more proactive in their managerial response concerning environmental performance. Keeping this in mind the study explores the environmental management practices among hotels operating in Udaipur. The results have shown that although hotel companies are concerned with environmental management issues, many are not proactive enough in their responses and prefer to only take management initiatives that have considerable financial benefits for their business. Focus has been mainly on cost-cutting management measures such as minimizing energy use and water conservation as this contributes directly towards a hotel’s profitability. 6. Dr. Ashish Chandra, Anoop Pandey and Navneet Kaur(2010) conducted a research on â€Å"Green Marketing: A tool to combat Environmental Challenges†. In this paper, the authors had taken a little attempt to academically examine environmental and green marketing issues and gray areas. This article introduces the terms and concepts of green marketing, briefly discuss why going green is important and also examine some of the reasons that organizatios are adopting a green marketing philosophy. He concluded that a successful marketer is one, who not only convinces the consumer, but also involves the consumer in marketing his products and delivering the services. Green marketing should not be considered as just one more approach to marketing, but has to be pursued with much greater vigor, as it has an environmental and social dimension to it. With the threat of global warming looming large, it is extremely important that green marketing becomes the norm rather than an exception or just a fad. Recycling of paper, metals, plastics, etc. , in a safe and environmentally harmless manner should become much more systematized and universal. It has to become the general norm to use energy-efficient lamps and other electrical goods. 7. Sunita Dahiya, Dr. Amita Charan Vijay Kumar (2010) conducted a research on â€Å"Green Marketing, Emission Trading and Carbon Crediting In India†. Changing trade pattern, global recession, financial crisis, stock fluctuations, corporate governance, corporate laws, and many other upcoming global challenges are truly difficult to manage for corporate, environmentalists, economists, experts, manufacturers and even administrators at the top. Ecologists, economists and financial planners are continuously debating for global sustainable development and steady economic growth. Most of the intellectuals and eminent personalities are releasing it is a right time to become â€Å"Globally Green†and protect environment by reducing pollution and emission. It was concluded that green marketing covers more issues than a firm’s marketing practices only. Green marketing is a requirement for our survival on this earth. India can set standards for others to lead in the area of carbon crediting and trading. From decades we are exploiting natural resources but now because of natural calamities: like global warming, Acidic rains, Tsunami, Earthquakes, floods, Drought and green house gases, we are realizing importance of green marketing. Globally there are number of environmental trading markets as have been explained above which provide for balance in period of environment and effect corporate competitiveness and profitability in terms of standards and final finished products. 8. Oyewole, P. (2001). Social Costs of Environmental Justice Associated with the Practice of Green Marketing. Journal of Business Ethics, 29(3), Feb, pp. 239-252. This paper presents a conceptual link among green marketing, environmental justice, and industrial ecology. It argues for greater awareness of environmental justice in the practice for green marketing. In contrast with the type of costs commonly discussed in the literature, the paper identified another type of costs, termed ‘costs with positive results,’ that may be associated with the presence of environmental justice in green marketing. A research agenda is finally suggested to determine consumers’ awareness of environmental justice, and their willingness to bear the costs associated with it. 9. Merilanen, S. , Moisander, J. Personen, S. (2000). The Masculine Mindset of Environmental Management and Green Marketing. Business Strategy and the Environment, 9(3), pp. 51-162. Environmental management systems and green marketing programmes have gained increasing popularity in western market economies. They are viewed as cost-efficient, effective and just means of tackling problems associated with the impact of economic activity on the environment. It is argued in this article, however, that these optimistic views are based on a number of ideas, images and metaphors that retain many androcentric and inadequate assumptions about self, society and nature that may be incompatible with long-term environmental protection goals. 0. Prothero, A. Fitchett, J. A. (2000). Greening Capitalism: Opportunities for Green Community. Journal of Macromarketing, 20(1), pp. 46-56. In this paper, the authors argue that greater ecological enlightenment can be secured through capitalism by using the characteristics of commodity culture to further progress environmental goals. The authors reject both naive ecological romanticism and revolutionary idealism on the grounds that they fail to offer any pragmatic basis by which greater environmental responsibility can be achieved. Drawing on the now well-established theoretical tradition of post-Marxist cultural criticism, the authors offer a conceptual justification for the development and implementation of a green commodity discourse. For this to be achieved and implemented, prevailing paradigms regarding the structure, nature, and characteristics of capitalism must be revised. Marketing not only has the potential to contribute to the establishment of more sustainable forms of society but, as a principle agent in the operation and proliferation of commodity discourse, also has a considerable responsibility to do so. 11. Prothero, A. (1998). Green Marketing: The ‘Fad’ That Won’t Slip Slide Away. Journal of Marketing Management, 14(6), July, pp. 507-513. The author introduces several papers discussed in the July 1998 issue of ‘Journal of Marketing Management’ focusing on green marketing. This includes; a citation of the need to review existing literature on green marketing, an empirical study of United States and Australian marketing managers, a description of what a green alliance look like in practice in Great Britain, ecotourism and definitions of green marketing. 12. Kilbourne, W. E. Beckman, S. C. (1998). Review and Critical Assessment of Research on Marketing and the Environment. Journal of Marketing Management, 14(6), July, pp. 513-533. This paper provides a review and categorization of the environmentally related research published in the major English language marketing journals over the period from 1971 to 1997. It traces the development from the early research which focused predominantly on the characterization of the â€Å"green†consumer, conceptualization of environmental consciousness, environmentally related behaviours such as recycling, and attitudes towards environmental problems such as pollution. This was followed by a period in which energy conservation, legislation, and public policy issues were added to the agenda which remained predominantly managerialist in perspective. While the same issues were studied within the 1990s, the research agenda was expanded again to include broader issues such as environmental values and institutions. Most recently, the macro issues of sustainable marketing and its relationship to the dominant social paradigm have been introduced into the literature. The paper concludes by arguing that the examination of the macro issues from an interdisciplinary perspective is necessary for further development of marketing thought in this area, and that a synthesis of the macro and micro perspectives is necessary for effective and enduring public policy regarding the marketing/environmental relationship. 13. Walker, R. H. Hanson, D. J. (1998). Green Marketing and Green Places: A Taxonomy for the Destination Marketer. Journal of Marketing Management, 14(6), July, pp. 623-640. This paper highlights and discusses green/environmental implications and imperatives associated with destination marketing as distinct from those related to product and services marketing. A comparative taxonomy has been developed to illustrate these, and to provide a framework for discussing their relevance, with reference to the particular case of Tasmania as a tourism destination. \ 14. Kilbourne, W. E. (1998). Green Marketing: A Theoretical Perspective. Journal of Marketing Management, 14(6), July, pp. 641-656. The author discusses the failure of green marketing to move beyond the limitations of the prevailing paradigm. While there are nascent macro developments in marketing thought that might lead to a truly green marketing considering sustainability, holistic thought, and the limitations of the prevailing paradigm, they remain thus far on the periphery of the discipline. This will remain so until a broader, multi-disciplinary approach incorporating the multiple dimensions of the DSP is developed. The author identifies areas that must be examined for their effect in the marketing/environment relationship, namely economic, political and technological dimensions of the cultural frame of reference. 5. .Fisk, G. (1998). Green Marketing: Multiplier for Appropriate Technology Transfer? Journal of Marketing Management, 14(6), July, pp. 657-677. The effectiveness of â€Å"reward and reinforcement†strategy used in marketing activity is compared to a strategy of â€Å"mutual coercion mutually agreed upon†as a means for accelerating acceptance of environmentally appropriate production and cons umption technologies. The risk and reward consequences of green marketing tactics are traced to identify their implications in pursuing globally sustainable development. Together, reward and reinforcement strategies and coercive regulatory activities are more promising for attaining sustainable development than either one alone. 16. Grove, S. J. Fisk, R. P. (1996). Going green in the Service Sector. European Journal of Marketing, 30(5), pp. 56-67. The authors attempted to bring attention to the general and pervasive exclusion of service industries from discussions of green marketing practices. They explore why circumstance may exist, and provided arguments to support the adoption of environmental practices by services providers. Also in trying to identify how the service sector can contribute to the preservation of the environment, a greening of services matrix was presented. This matrix was designed to demonstrate through hypothetical examples the many ways that service industries can reduce, reuse or recycle resources, either collectively or individually, and thereby embrace the green initiative. Finally, the authors submitted a total quality/ benchmarking approach as a means by which services organizations may adopt environmental practices. 17. Menon and Menon (1997) Green marketing is a phenomenon which has developed particular import in the modern market. This concept has enabled for the re-marketing and packaging of existing products which already adhere to such guidelines. Additionally, the development of green marketing has opened the door of opportunity for companies to co-brand their products into separate line, lauding the green-friendliness of some while ignoring that of others. Such marketing techniques as will be explained are as a direct result of movement in the minds of the consumer market. As a result of this businesses have increased their rate of targeting consumers who are concerned about the environment. These same consumers through their concern are interested in integrating environmental issues into their purchasing decisions through their incorporation into the process and content of the marketing strategy for whatever product may be required. 18. Banerjee, S. , Gulas, C. S. and Iyer E. (1995). Shades of green: A multidimensional analysis of environmental advertising. Journal of Advertising, 24(2), 21-32. This paper discusses how businesses have increased their rate of targeting green consumers, those who are concerned about the environment and allow it to affect their purchasing decisions. The paper identifies the three particular segments of green consumers and explores the opportunities businesses have with green marketing. The paper also examines the message of green marketing and describes the deceit of ‘green washing’. The paper considers three green campaigns of the New Leaf Paper Company, the Courier Corporation and Clorox bleach and concludes that green marketing is something that will continuously grow in both practice and demand. How to cite Consumer Attitude Toward Green Marketing, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Mrs Dalloway Essays (6014 words) - English-language Films
Mrs Dalloway While writing and revising Mrs. Dalloway, Virginia Woolf was corresponding with E.M. Forster, who was working on A Passage to India. In September of 1921, she records in her diary: ``A letter from Morgan [Forster] this morning. He seems as critical of the East as of Bloomsbury, she read it and noted, ``Morgan is too restrained in his new book perhaps'' (Diary 2.304). A note of the Anglo-Indian society that dominates A Passage to India resonates in Mrs. Dalloway's background, sounded in part by returning Indian traveler, Peter Walsh, but also heard and overheard in conversations and oblique references scattered throughout the narrative. Reinforcing its literal presence in the novel, an echo of India appears in Mrs. Dalloway's narrative rhythms. Like the intricate percussion of the Indian tabla, the fabric of Woolf's narrative comprises a polyrhythmic texture that subtly undermines London's booming metronome: Big Ben. The beautiful and complex narrative of Mrs. Dalloway seems to defy readers' powers of description. David Dowling's Mapping Streams of Consciousness exemplifies a sense one must ``reconstruct'' the text in order to understand it. In a section entitled ``A Reading,'' Dowling dissects the novel into neat structural packages so the reader can easily study its anatomy. He includes maps of London showing various characters' movements and intersections, an hourly chronology of the day of Clarissa's party, character sketches condensed from details scattered in the text, and, in the appendix, a kind of ``miniature concordance'' that provides counts for some 32 words (``India'' appears 25 times). Other studies of Mrs. Dalloway are less detailed but serve as well to illustrate the difficulties of describing its narrative patterns. In ``Metaphor, Metonymy, and Ideology: Language and Perception in Mrs. Dalloway,'': Teresa L. Ebert discusses binary structures--``counterpointing...visions'' (Ebert 152)--in the novel's language. Building on Nancy Topping Bazin's Virginia Woolf and the Androgynous Vision, she explores how female and male polarities in the text are resolved in images of androgyny. Instead of metaphor and metonymy, Caroline Webb examines the ``anti-allegorical'' nature of the text (Webb 279). In ``Life After Death: The Allegorical Progress of Mrs. Dalloway,'' she argues that the narrative invites us to look for a ``hidden story,'' but ultimately frustrates our expectations (Webb 279). Focussing on the narrator as a specifically created presence in the work, Sharon Stockton refers to classical physics and phenomenology to show Woolf ``deconstructing the conventions of authoritarian representation'' (Stockton, ``Turbulence in the Text: Narrative Complexity in Mrs. Dalloway'' 51). The novel's narrative has also been described specifically in terms of its metrical effects. In ```On the Floor of the Mind': Sentence Shape and Rhythm in Mrs. Dalloway,'' Elizabeth Dodd explicates the poetic qualities of Woolf's prose. She not only points out relationships between sentence rhythm and specific characters' thought patterns, she also shows that Woolf turned to poetry for literary inspiration while revising Mrs. Dalloway. Calling the reader's attention to Woolf's June 21, 1924 diary entry--the same one in which Woolf commented on Forster's A Passage to India (above)--Dodd shows the extent to which poetry was on the writer's mind: ``I think I grow more & more poetic'' (Diary 2.304). Undoubtedly, poetry does inform Woolf's work, and Dodd's argument to that effect is convincing. While the sentences in Mrs. Dalloway are metrical, however, ``poetic'' alone does not encompass the full rhythmic force of the narrative. Ebert's term ``counterpoint'' and Stockton's metaphor of ``turbulence'' both evoke kinds of rhythmic structures as well, but in very different contexts. Indeed, Woolf consciously draws influence across diverse media in her quest to ``[throw] away the method...in use at the moment'' (Woolf, ``Character in Fiction'' 432). Robin Gail Schulze points to Woolf's use of tonal music to show how she breaks with literary tradition in her novels, but she concludes that ``Mrs. Dalloway, by Woolf's definition, remains a conventional novel'' (Schulze 8). I suggest, however, that Mrs. Dalloway's chronology, the poetic meter of its sentences, its turbulence and counterpoint, are all vectors in the intricate matrix of its polyrhythmic structure. Borrowed from the field of musicology, ``polyrhythmic'' describes a percussive structure unfamiliar to many Westerners. Because it
Friday, March 20, 2020
No Situational analysis SWOT analysis is the most viable tool for analyzing the situation and developing a marketing plan.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on No-Goat Smelling X5 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Strengths The company has a strong financial position and an active research and development department. The strengths of the proposed deodorant include being the first in the market. There is good scope for scalability of the product acceptance, which would enhance the brand image and market share. The product promises freshness for up to five days besides being presented by the reputable Airmount Company. Weaknesses The company has to create a sustainable logistics and distribution channels in order to meet the market demand. The main weakness is the fact that a brand new idea may be not be convincing for the senior segment of society, as they tend to be reluctant to change. Besides, the narrow product line, with limited distribution channels at the beginning, would restrict the customers from accepting the product. Threats The main threats facing the proposed ‘No-Goat Smelling X5’ deodorant is presence of competitors providing similar or nearly similar product at low cost. For instance, the Procter and Gamble Company controls 37.7% of the beauty products market and recorded an annual turnover of $488.5 million at the end of the 2013 financial year.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the other hand, the Uniliver Company controls 18.6% of the total market share and recorded an annual turnover of $245.8 million at the end of the 2013 financial year. In addition, the Lever Brothers Company controls 11.3% of the market share and recorded an impressive turnover of $149.2 million at the end of the 2013 financial year. In addition, the Airmount Company may n ot be able to change the product features according to changing external environment and needs of the customers, since the US product patent policy may limit it. Opportunities The new ‘No-Goat Smelling X5’ product may facilitate revenue growth for the Airmount Company upon acceptance by the target market.The company may also take advantage of the market demographics to create multiple brands for the male and female customers. Marketing strategy Marketing strategy is essential before actualizing projections of a blue print of a marketing plan. As a matter of fact, this plan functions on the margins of informed decision making based on comprehensive research on viability and sustainability. In the overcrowded cosmetics industry, product positioning is directly linked to the success in the short and long term, especially for a new product such as the ‘No-Goat Smelling X5’ deodorant. Adopting a First-Mover Strategy, the Airmount Company will position this produ ct as the first of its kind in the market. Through a defined delivery channel and strong media marketing, the company will revolve on quality maintenance to support the leading marketer status. In the process, focus will be directed to the most competitive price and what the customers are able and willing to pay.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on No-Goat Smelling X5 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Besides, the company may develop multiple brands of the product that targets the adolescents, female, and male market segments (Kotler Keller, 2012, p. 19). Despite the crowded market, the product will be marketed as first of its kind. In order to achieve this aim, demographic differentiation will be based on income supported by strategic packaging and series of relevant marketing campaigns, as the best approach towards commanding a price premium. As a result, the fair pricing mechanism, among other factors, will posi tively skew competitive advantage in favor of the Airmount Company. In addition, the company will have to recruit distribution agencies across the market regions and well trained marketers for this product (Kotler Keller, 2012, p. 29). In order to diversify market operations, the Airmount Company may create multiple brands from the same product with different coloration, scent, sizes, and packaging (Harrison St. John, 2010, p. 43). This will create an environment of own competition and block other competitors from encroaching into the company’s market (Dagnino Rocco, 2009, p. 31). These sub-products will be differentiated by features, prices, and difference in quality. As forecasted in the market research, this strategy will be successful towards dominance as it offers variety of options to consumers, while at the same time maximizing benefits of economies of scale (Harrison St. John, 2010, p. 32). Since cosmetics market has low entry barriers, the ‘No-Goat Smelling X5’ product is likely to reap from the experimenting consumers as the product may appeal to the young generation who are often willing to try new products. The high-end and the low-end varieties will target the high and low income earning consumers.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More With the high-end and low-end varieties in the market, little room will be available for competitors to create a third product based on quality (Rossiter Bellman, 2005, p. 45). Thus, when properly implemented, the company will reap major returns on the upper-end and lower-end of the male cosmetics market. The Airmount Company should introduce the aspect of appealing to ideals of the target population by contracting a popular celebrity as company’s products image. Through recommendations of such celebrity or a popular public figure, the target consumers would be persuaded to try out the ideal product recommended by their favorite celebrity. The marketers of the ‘No-Goat Smelling X5’ product should also include catchy advertisement short messages that appeal to male and female sexuality such as ‘vitality in totality’. In the aspect of self-concept, marketing strategies for the ‘No-Goat Smelling X5’ should be based on idolizing the male pe rson as an equal user of its products. Financials Budget for the marketing plan Cost Quantity Total Cost Equipment Cost $5,000 10 $50,000 Advertisement Posters $10 10,000 $100,000 PA System Hiring $1,000 5 $5,000 Personnel Hiring $3,000 20 $60,000 Advertisement Media $10,000 $10,000 Total Cost $225,000 The financial implication of implementing the above marketing strategy includes active advertisement in the traditional media such as television and newspapers. Besides, the Airmount Company will have to embrace social media in promoting the ‘No-Goat Smelling X5’ product. Controls In order to move the ‘No-Goat Smelling X5’ brand forward, it is critical to adopt the localization strategy that directly appeals to different target markets. The Airmount Company should remain the organization that has localized its means of production and marketing to capture different customer bases. The localization strategy will help in triangulation o f the â€Å"how†, â€Å"where†, and â€Å"what†of management strategies, since it focuses on a specific market. It involves the identification of the unmet customer needs, examining and deploying potential enablers in new converging innovative technologies, and identifying capabilities to ensure that the needs are met (Harrison St. John, 2010). The above elements should then be integrated in a marketing communication plan that runs continuously within the stipulated marketing timetable. References Dagnino, G., Rocco, E. (2009). Competition strategy: theory experiments and cases (1st ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. Harrison, J., St. John, C. (2010). Foundations in strategic management. Ohio, Oh: South Western Cengage Learning. Kotler, P., Keller, K. (2012). Marketing management. (14th ed.). New Jersey, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Rossiter, J. R., Bellman, S. (2005). Marketing communications: Theory and applications. New York, NY: Prentice Hall.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
The Anthropos Family
The Anthropos Family The Anthropos Family The Anthropos Family By Mark Nichol The Greek noun anthropos, meaning â€Å"male human being†or â€Å"man,†is the root of some familiar and not-so-familiar English words, which are listed and defined below. The best known of these are likely anthropology, which literally means â€Å"the study of humans†and refers to just that- especially in a cultural and social context (and, in a distinct theological sense, to their nature and origin)- and philanthropy (literally, â€Å"love for man†) which pertains generally to promoting the welfare of humans but usually is employed in contexts in which funding or gifts is provided for humanitarian purposes (or for cultural enrichment). The adjectival forms are anthropological and philanthropic, respectively, and those who practice such endeavors are anthropologists and philanthropists. A misanthrope, meanwhile, is unlikely to undertake either one pursuit; a misanthropic person (who practices misanthropy) has contempt or hatred for humans. Apanthropy, meanwhile, refers to the love of solitude or an aversion to human interaction. Anthropic means â€Å"relating to humans or to their time on Earth†; the term is part of the phrase â€Å"anthropic principle,†which refers to the belief that the universe, from the subatomic level to the scale of galaxies, was designed with humans in mind, though the conditions that make human life possible also make all known life-forms possible. (This is also known as the strong anthropic principle, to distinguish it from the weak anthropic principle, which reasons that this idea was able to be formulated only because a life-friendly universe allows sentient minds to observe and reflect on it.) The phenomenon of ascribing human attributes or forms to nonhumans, whether animals, gods, or objects, or to nature, is anthropomorphism (literally, â€Å"the idea of human form†). Cartoon characters who display human characteristics, therefore, are anthropomorphic. Anthropathy (literally, â€Å"human feelings†), meanwhile, is a related concept: that divine beings have emotions. An anthropoid is a primate that more or less resembles a human being, though the term has also been used pejoratively to describe people of inferior breeding or intelligence. On a related note, pithecanthropus (â€Å"ape man†) is the label for one of two extinct anthropoid species. Zoanthropy is a mental disorder in which a person believes that he or she has become an animal and behaves like one; lycanthropy originally referred to a delusion that one is a wolf, though it usually is associated with werewolf folklore. Anthropophagy (â€Å"man eating†) is a fancy synonym for cannibalism. (One who practices cannibalism is anthropophagous.) Anthropolatry is deification or worship of a human. By contrast, psilanthropism (â€Å"the idea of being a mere human†) is a rejection of the divinity of Jesus. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Rules for Writing Numbers and Numerals34 Writing Tips That Will Make You a Better Writer10 Functions of the Comma
Monday, February 17, 2020
Software testing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Software testing - Essay Example It is the duty of the programmer to select a feasible technique which is available at the time of test so that the required information about the application can be obtained (Savenkov, 2008). The test does not only give objective view on the risks but also on the quality of that given product that is being developed. According to Meyer (2008), software testing can be done immediately an executable application is available. In most instances, the approach which is being used in the software development process will dictate when the testing will be done and how it will be carried out. When the phased process is being used by the developers, then tests will be run and done immediately after the definition of the system requirements. On the other hand, when the Agile approach is being used, the programming process and the testing are done concurrently. During designing and building of an application, the programmer may make mistakes in causing defects. Defects are the flaws that are found in the software. When the results obtained when the application is executed deviates from what was expected, then it is an indication that there are defects in that particular software. It implies that any kind of deviation from the specifications that are given at the beginning of the design and development process will result in defects. On the other hand, when software does not meet the needs and expectations of the end users, then it can be said that it has carrying bugs. The bugs may be caused by error in logic or coding (Rodrà guez, Llana & Rabanal, 2014). Thus, the testing process is done with the intention of unraveling the bugs and defects. When the tests yield a large number of errors and defects then it will be referred to as a Buggy software. Edsger Dijkstra, a key figure in the field of computer science claimed that the software testing does not show the absence of bugs and faults but
Monday, February 3, 2020
My Genre-ation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
My Genre-ation - Research Paper Example Music is utilized to narrate the story. The theme may be about love, hate, life, death, or the essence of being good and bad. Thus, the theme of operas is mostly concentrated on the depiction of the human condition in a society. These are universal themes that connect with the audience. One of the famous opera composers in this period is Guiseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi -- an Italian composer. The most famous in his work is the La Traviata, which was translated as the Fallen Woman or literally, the women who strayed. Its popularity is remembered because of the ridicule it received before the audience, which thinks that the actor’s voices do not fit with their roles. However, it is considered as a successful opera of Verdi because it was based on the true story (Kapilow). The audience appreciates his composition because the operas are focused on the human drama, which is intense, emotional, honest, and melodious. The opera composition of Verdi is still used in today’s era because of its universal theme that everyone can relate. According to Kapilow, the reason for the great master piece of Verdi was his direct involvement during the pre-production, production, and post production. The actors were encouraged to feel the emotion in the drama and then l isten to the intensity of music because Verdi believes that words and drama are learned first so that music will come naturally. La Traviata is sourced from the play of Alexander Dumas entitled The Lady of the Camellias (Verdi, Piave, and Dumas). The genre is chosen because of its effect to the audience. In most cases, compositions in the opera significantly reflect the characters of human beings, which differentiate the good from evil. Moreover, opera teaches a lesson in life, the choices made by a person, sacrifices for the sake of someone you love, and history that allows the audience to understand and reflect on the information taught. I have already identified the
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Workplace
Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Workplace Table of Contents (jump to) Introduction Task 1 Policies and procedures for communicating information on health and safety in the health and social care workplace Responsibilities for management of health and safety in relation to organisational structures Analyse health and safety priorities that are appropriate for a specific health and social care workplace setting Task 2 The principles of care planning Impact of Health and Safety Policy Dilemma encountered in relation to implementing systems and policies for health, safety and security may be addressed Analyse the effects of non-compliance with health and safety legislation in the health and social care workplace Task 3 How health and safety policies and practice are monitored and reviewed The effectiveness of health and safety policies and practices in the workplace in promoting a positive Own contributions to placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre practice Task 4: Self Evaluation Conclusion References Introduction Nowadays ensuring health and safety at the workplace is a major concern. It has become an integral part of any service. Supposedly health and safety is an important issue in the health and social care service. Both the management and workers of a health care service are accountable for ensuring health and safety in health and social care service setting. The author of this assignment has been asked to analyze the implementation of health and safety legislation in health and social care services and then to make a brief discussion about the health and safety requirements impact on customers and the work of practitioners in the health and social services, in order to contribute to health and safety in health and social care. Finally he is to analyze the monitoring and review system of health and social care workplace. TASK 1 Policies and procedures for communicating information on health and safety in the health and social care workplace There are numerous existing policies and procedures for communicating information on health and safety in the health and social care workplace. Among them the data protection act is the most pertinent. The Data Protection Act 1998 is in place to protect service user’s right to privacy, particularly of personal information such as service user’s ethnicity, political and religious beliefs, health, sexuality and criminal record. Service user’s responsibility is to ensure that information about the people someone works with remains confidential and secure. Personal information may only be disclosed to someone else if the individual concerned gives consent, if there is a life and death situation, or if people need it in order to work with the individual. Therefore, if someone is asked to disclose information about someone work with, someone must be satisfied that the person asking for the information has a right to know. Different organisations have different procedur es for checking a person’s right to know. However, as a general rule, ask for proof of ID and documentation that demonstrates their right to know. If they have no such proof or the enquiry is over the telephone, ask questions which a service worker believes only they could answer, for example the date of birth and family names of the person concerned. If you remain unconvinced, explain politely that a service worker cannot disclose any information because, under the terms of the 1998 Data Protection Act, he is unsure of their identity. Suggest that they write or return with suitable ID. If he is satisfied with their ID but unsure about making a disclosure, take their telephone number and speak with his manager. Responsibilities for management of health and safety in relation to organisational structures Different health care services require workers to carry out different responsibilities. According to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, each worker should think twice before carry out any task. It is his tasks those will directly affect the service users, colleagues in work place. Employee should co-operate with his colleagues since it is vital in ensuring health and safety in workplace (Sprenger 2003). It is also employee’s duty to ensure it that there is not misuse of anything given in health and safety in workplace for instances first aid equipment. Moreover service worker has a duty to tag along health and safety policies and processes, take part in and remain advanced with health and safety preparation, and not perform any duty in which he has not been trained. At the same time, other people in a specific care home like domiciliary home have a responsibility to go after course of actions. Visitors, carers and supporters have a responsibility to think about health and safety, particularly with reverence to assisting uphold security, and other general conducts. Analyse health and safety priorities that are appropriate for a specific health and social care workplace setting K was a home case-assistant on her first visit to a new client, Mr. W. She had been warned that his house was in a poor condition and that he had a large dog. She knew that he had a history of psychiatric illness and had, in the past been admitted to the hospital compulsory under the Mental Act 1983. When K arrived on her first morning, outside of the house was in a poor state-garden was overgrown, it was full of rubbish and old furniture. The front door was half open and she saw that half the floor boards in the hallway appeared to be missing-there were simply joist and a drop into the cellar below, Mr. W’s dog was at the top of the hallway growling and barking, Mr W was at the top of the stairs shouting â€Å"You won’t get me out of here- I will kill you first.†In that above scenario, it is K’s key responsibilities to keep Mr. W as safe as possible. It is also his legal responsibility. In order to health and safety in her work place- this domiciliary home, K are required to find out the hazards and possible risks factors in Mr. W’s home. Since Mr. W own a dog, K should weigh up all the possibilities of infection through this pet and what risks involve here for Mr. W. Then K should analyze all the hazardous substances of Mr. W’s home and their threats in a domiciliary home. Task 2 Principles of care planning Risks assessment is very important in care planning. If a risk assessment shows that the work cannot be done safely, other arrangements have to be put in place. Risk assessment takes account of risks to employees, the person/s being supported, and anyone else involved. The risk assessment procedure is as followed: Identify the hazards (remember, a hazard is anything that may cause harm). Decide who might be harmed and how. Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions. Record your findings and implement them. Review assessment and update if necessary. Under health and safety law you as an employee are required to: Follow the training you have received when using any work items your employer has given you; Take reasonable care of your own and other people’s health and safety; Co-operate with your employer on health and safety; Tell someone (your employer, supervisor, or health and safety representative) if you think inadequate precautions are putting anyone’s health and safety at serious risk (HSE 2014). Impact of Health and Safety Policy Health and Safety at Work etc Act (HASWA) 1974 ensures the health and safety of everyone who may be affected by work activities. Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) 1999 require employers and managers to carry out risk assessments to eliminate or minimise risks to health and safety. Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 minimise the risks to health and safety associated with working conditions. Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR) 1992 minimise the risks to health and safety associated with moving and handling activities. Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (PPE) 1992 minimise the risks to health and safety associated with cross infection. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995 require that certain work-related injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences are reported to the HSE or local authority. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002 minimise th e risks to health and safety from the use of hazardous substances. Dilemma encountered in relation to implementing systems and policies for health, safety and security may be addressed In health and social care service, workers often face dilemma while implementing systems and policies. Let’s consider a scenario where a service worker is asked by a service users’ nearest one about the progress of his diagnosis. Here service worker may face both the problem of sharing the information and not sharing it. In order to comply with the Data Protection Act he cannot share the information without service user’s consent. On the other hand this might be helpful for the diagnosis process of the service user. Another example would be a scenario where a service user in a domiciliary home and he is trying to get out of his home in order to read newspaper. Here a service worker would be in a dilemma whether to let him go to read a newspaper despite the fact that he is not aware about the traffic safety. Analyse the effects of non-compliance with health and safety legislation in the health and social care workplace Non compliances with the existing laws and regulations have serious impacts on health and social care’s safety. Some examples would be violation of patient’s privacy or confidentiality, failure to maintain the required food safety, failure to assess the risks and so on. The impacts of the failure to meet these legislations affect both the employers and employees of a health and social care seating. It could be financial fine, cancellation of license or even imprisonment. According to the section 37 of the Health and Safety Act of 1974, if anyone of health care settings found to neglect his duty voluntarily then he or she can be prosecuted. Even the directors of this work place will go through this section 37 procedure (HSE 2013). Generally a normal non-compliance is dealt with issuing warning. For more serious cases, improvement notices has been shown by the regulatory bodies. This notice indicates the violation of law and a certain period of time will be given to the o rganizations to improve the overall health and safety situation. Task 3 How health and safety policies and practice are monitored and reviewed In health and social care services, health and safety policies are strongly monitored both by national body and local body. The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) monitors all the health and safety related issues. Even the particular organization monitors whether health and safety policies are put into action or not. There has been committee for reviewing the practices to ensure health and safety standard are clearly followed. The effectiveness of health and safety policies and practices in the workplace A correctly organized health and safety policy undoubtedly mentions health and safety goals and the service’s promise to delivering better health and safety performance. Policy and procedures also admits the owner’s legitimate duties. Organizing a health and safety policy is a vital realistic move towards delivering and preserving a work place atmosphere that is protected and devoid of harms to health (Watterson 2003). An effective policy should feature the organisational actions for sorting out and regulating health and safety matters. It should also put down the foundation for worker participation, the situation of objectives, accomplishment diagrams, and policy revision. Below are the effects of health and safety policies on different perspectives: Effectiveness of policies and procedures: Service workers Enrolment of right staff Offer training concerning policies and procedures Supervise health and safety parameters Offer security in service Preserve fitting staff proportions Job narratives permit staff to be acquainted with their boundaries Premises Protected work place Safe surroundings for patients Confer relatives and friends assurance in suitable care specified Suitable locations Sufficient adjustments and admission to meet up all desires Practices Procedures and policies frequently revised and modified Ordinary emigration and urgent procedures performed Protection equipment and defensive outfits provided Brief, lucid record-keeping Own contributions to placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre practice When measuring the health and safety of service users, it is important to weigh up all of their desires. Needs could be intellectual, physical, social or spiritual, emotional. From time to time those desires bond together and one can influence another. For instance, Mr. H’ desires of reading newspaper is his emotional and intellectual need. This need has direct connection to his physical improvement (Sprenger and Fisher 2002). At the same time his not having any road awareness is a serious issue. For addressing this sort of dilemma, service users are required to follow legislations. Procedures, policies and legislation are built to endorse a safer environment in work place and minimize the impending for risks happening. According to the Health and Safety Executive, the Health Care Act directs service works to meet users’ needs according to some assessment. This need can be fulfilled as long as they are deemed as feasible and practicable at health and social care work pl ace. First of all a worker have to assess the risk in letting Mr. H out of home for reading newspaper. Then he should take precautionary measures like arranging a guide for him, raising awareness about road safety in him. Thus this dilemma can be solved (Boys Langridge 2007). A service worker here has a great responsibility to endorse health and safety by assisting Mr. H to realize and obey practices that minimize the risk of any danger on road. Mr. H should only be allowed to go to read newspaper after the assurance that he will adhere to road safety awareness. The best practice would be worker’s involvement here. Task 4: Self Evaluation In the passage 1.2, I discuss about numerous existing policies, regulations that can dictate the information sharing in any health and social care setting. Then in the task 1.2 in order to assess the responsibilities of management in specific health and social care settings, I talk about the employer responsibilities in relation to health and social care service. In the 1.3 passage in order to analyze the health and safety priorities in health and social care settings I bring upon some examples. In the 2.2 Para, I discuss about various impact of health and safety policy. Afterwards I discussed about dilemma in health and social care service and that is why I bring an example. Then I analyze the effect of non-compliance with health and safety legislation. Finally I discussed about how health and safety policies and practices are monitored and then make an evaluation of these policies and afterwards discuss about the importance of personal contribution. Conclusion: Since health and safety are an indispensible part of health and social care work place, it is important to follow all the rules and regulations involved here. From getting rid of financial implication to preserving organization’s reputation all depends on obeying these rules and regulations. Every service works should have a better understanding of it. References: Watterson, A. (2003) Public Health in Practice. Paperback Health and Safety Executive (2001) Health and Safety in Residential Care Homes. Morath, J. M., and Turnbull. J. E. (2004) to do no harm: Ensuring patients’ safety in Health and Social care organizations. Jossy Bass Wile Sprenger, R. (2003) Health and Safety Management. Highfield Boys, D., and Langridge, E. (2007) BTEC National Health and Social Care Book 1. Nelson Thrones Richards, J. (2003) Complete A-Z Health and Social Care Handbook. Hodder Arnold Sprenger, R. (2003) The Foundation HACCP Handbook. Highfield Sprenger, R., and Fisher, I., (2002) The Essentials of Health and Safety (Carers). Highfield HSE (2013) Health and Safety in care homes. Health and Safety executive.[online] available on: http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg220.htm
Friday, January 17, 2020
Durkheim Marx and Weber’s argument of society Essay
Durkheim concept of anomie differed from Marx and Weber’s concepts of alienation on the idea of how modernity rose. That is, they differed on their argument about how the old system isolated people from humanity. Durkheim argued that the shifting of the society to modernity was through disorganization and societies achieved modernity as they tried to adapt to disorganizations. Marx’s argument on society modernity was based on class conflict while Weber argued on political causes. Durkheim argued that the division of the society based on classes helped in creating interdependence (Macionis, 2013). Although social stratification was a social problem, Durkheim viewed as normalness (anomie) in the society. He believed that anomie was a characteristic of disorganized society or one that was undergoing changes. People lived in the same place in the past as communities and shared the same beliefs. However, changes in cultural, social, political, and religious systems started occurring in the society (Macionis, 2013). Since the changes were slow and had no significant effects on the people, they started experiencing anomie. The results of anomie were suicide, crime, and other social evils that became prevalent in the modern society. Unlike Durkheim who focused on class division and society disorganization, Marx’s argument on alienation focused on conflict between classes as the cause of modernity in the society (Macionis, 2013). The conflict between capitalists and working class brought a gap in the society. The capitalist started accumulating profits through exploitation of the working class. The capitalist dominated in the society and alienated the working class and thus the latter had to depend on the former to provide for their families. The result was competition in the society, which became the major characteristic of modernity. Consequently, Weber argument on alienation differed from Durkheim anomie argument in that he based his argument political factors (Macionis, 2013). According to Weber, legal authority governed the society through rules. Although the rules were the most efficient form of authority, decision by the society to follow the rules fully would result in faulty checks on the authority. As a result bad governance and oppression of the society emanated. Reference Macionis, J. (2013). Sociology. Pearson Education Source document
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Domestic Violence Topics - 2150 Words
Domestic Cycle of Violence Incident * Any type of abuse occurs (physical/sexual/emotional) Tension Building * Abuser starts to get angry * Abuse may begin * There is a breakdown of communication * Victim feels the need to keep the abuser calm * Tension becomes too much * Victim feels like they are walking on egg shells Making-Up * Abuser may apologize for abuse * Abuser may promise it will never happen again * Abuser may blame the victim for causing the abuse * Abuser may deny abuse took place or say it was not as bad as the victim claims Calm * Abuser acts like the abuse never happened * Physical abuse may not be taking place * Promises made during making-up may be met†¦show more content†¦Call a resource listed in this book. There is help for you. You do not have to suffer in silence. If you are a child in a violent home... Most children in these homes know about the violence. Parents may think children do not know about the violence, but most of the time they do. Children often know what happened. They can feel helpless, scared and upset. They may also feel like the violence is their fault. Violence in the home is dangerous for children. Children live with scary noises, yelling and hitting. They are afraid for their parents and themselves. Children feel bad that they cannot stop the abuse. If they try to stop the fight, they can be hurt. They can also be hurt by things that are thrown or weapons that are used. Children are harmed just by seeing and hearing the violence. Children in violent homes may not get the care they need. A parent who is being abused may be in too much pain to take good care of their child. Children who live in violent homes can have many problems. They can have trouble sleeping. They can have trouble in school and getting along with others. They often feel sad and scared all the time. They may grow up feeling bad about themselves. These problems do not go away on their own. They can be there even as the child gets older. There is help for children in violent homes. Call a resource listed in this book to talk to someone. This can also help if you grew up in a violent home. If you are being stalked...Show MoreRelatedThe Topic Of Gender, Specifically Domestic Violence2142 Words  | 9 Pages 1- Research topic For my report I decided to analyse the topic of gender, specifically domestic violence. My research question is: How can domestic violence have a different effect on men and women in London? Domestic violence occurs when there is aggressive behavior within a home, involving abuse from a partner or a husband or wife. I decided to analyse this topic because it is a serious matter and there was little research material on the topic in London. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
A Man For All Season And Machiavellis Doctrine...
A Man For All Seasons, a play written by Robert Bolt, in essence is both a moral play and a historical play. Sir Thomas More, a man of the greatest virtue this kingdom has ever produced (Dean Swift), is famous for choosing to suffer death rather than swearing to an oath that would counter his principles. Sir More had acquired a high position of Lord Chancellery under the reign of King Henry VIII, but stepped down since he could not do what the king had asked of him since this action would conflict with his beliefs and conscience. From that time, Sir More was in disagreement with King Henrys divorce, which led him to his own doom. Realizing that Sir More would not submit, the king decided to turn to his other advisors and approached†¦show more content†¦The first section deals with principalities (monarchies), of which according to Machiavelli there are four types. First is the hereditary principality, which is traditionally under the control of a rulers family and their desc endants. The second type of principality is called the mixed principality, where the hereditary is considered with newly conquered territories. Next, the principality acquired by new people where the territory of another is acquired by force, through someone else (for example as a gift from a king), through a crime or cruelty of the inheritor, or through the favor of the princes fellow people. Lastly, the principalities of Ecclesiastical, which it can only be obtain through good fortune or virtue because this is sustained by the religious ordinance. The second section of The Prince deals with military, it was discussed how a principality can prepare itself militarily. There are four types of armies that can be employed: the mercenaries, the auxiliaries, the nationals, and the mixed armies. The mercenaries and auxiliaries were said to be useless and dangerous. Mercenaries will fight but are not willing to die for their ruler, while the auxiliaries will act as either an offense or defense. The nationals, also known as natives, serves as the best fighting force since they are fighting for their homeland. The next section of The Prince discusses what kind of qualities a prince must possess. ItShow MoreRelatedA Man for All Season and Machiavellis Doctrine: Reiteration of History1924 Words  | 8 PagesA Man For All Season and Machiavellis Doctrine: Reiteration of History A Man For All Seasons, a play written by Robert Bolt, in essence is both a moral play and a historical play. Sir Thomas More, a man of the greatest virtue this kingdom has ever produced (Dean Swift), is famous for choosing to suffer death rather than swearing to an oath that would counter his principles. Sir More had acquired a high position of Lord Chancellery under the reign of King Henry VIII, but stepped down since he
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